Q?How do we know if a lot is a good buildable site?

To an untrained eye, it is difficult to see what challenges or opportunities may be present with a building site; even for an experienced developer it is sometimes difficult to know what the site conditions will be like. But teaming up with a design-build team will make a substantial difference. DR Development can do an evaluation of your site or a site you are considering and guide you as to the questions to ask, the tests and evaluations to have done and what kind of home design would work best for that particular site. It is so important and crucial to design a home to fit a lot, instead of vice versa.

Q?We are thinking about building a new home, what is the first step?

First off, think global. What area? What price range? Are the two compatible and realistic? What size home? The best approach is to set up an informational meeting with us, talk to us about your overall wants and needs and we will give you our candid opinion. At this meeting we can tell you if your wants and needs are realistic with your budget, we can help you look at different lot options, and advise you to the next step to see if building is feasible for you.

Q?How do we know if we can afford the type of house we want?

An important first step is to talk with a bank or lending professional to see what you qualify for, with that being said, they will not be able to give you a firm approval without houseplans and a budget breakdown. But it is important to talk with them to get a preliminary idea, then meet with us to discuss your budget and house size requirements. At that point we can advise you based on averages what size and type of home you could realistically complete for your budgetary goal.

Q?What “Green” technologies do you incorporate into your homes?

“Green” is the new buzzword for the building industry. There are so many technologies available today it is difficult to understand what makes sense and what does not. While we have experience and the ability to build with most of the green technologies, we also take a value-added, cost/benefit approach with our clients. We can help you sort through what technologies truly have a payback that makes sense, what technologies will make your home more comfortable and what technologies just don’t make sense yet. The majority of our homes are what we call “high-performance homes” meaning that they are energy efficient, comfortable and cost efficient. Remember, we are true custom builders, what you would like to incorporate into your home is your decision, we will act as a sounding board and reference to guide you through those decisions.

Q?What floorplans do you have available?

By starting with a plan that has been built or designed before there are some cost efficiencies from a design standpoint, and experience from a construction standpoint. We would be happy to share these with you and help you determine if any of them would work for your wants, needs and building site.

Q?What is the price per square foot for building a new home?

Price per square foot is not the best way to determine pricing for custom homes. The homes we build are truly custom, each plan is unique, each building site has its own site conditions and each home has a different level of finish. Our price per square foot can range anywhere from $150 per square foot to over $500. The best way to figure out general price ranges is to sit down and talk with us, we pride ourselves on honest advice and opinions, we can discuss ranges based on averages and the size and style of the home you are envisioning.